Monday, July 03, 2006


I love reading about the resurgence of MBA recruitment over the past two years, especially when it relates to London: London leads drive to hire MBAs.

In related news, I had a long conversation with a friend doing a summer internship at a major NYC bank earlier today. He gave a good account of his experiences so I decided to post a brief recap:


  • Associate work involves more coordination of activities (manager) than modeling (analyst)
  • Work on 1-3 projects at a time overseen by the group's director/vp that got the work
  • Working in an industry coverage group has provided exposure to many departments and corporate client managers


  • Working 90-100 hours per week: 9a-2a M-F, 11a-9p Sa-Su
  • A lot of face-time late night/weekends
  • Over the past six weeks, only had two days off

Other thoughts

  • Specific groups within most banks are well known and respected on "The Street"
  • Schedule remains the same until VP promotion in 3-4 years, at which point becomes 80 hours per week
  • Networking at school/bank helped to get a second year internship at Carlyle Group