B-school or not to B-school?
I’ve pondered this question many times and continue to do so despite being well on my way to LBS. A good way to figure out whether this BS is right for you may be to attend (ie, watch) some of FT's Business School classes. Classes are 6-7 minute video discussions led by London Business School Strategy Professor, Don Sull, and are free (unlike attending the full versions at LBS).
If you find yourself interested enough to watch all the videos and find yourself thinking about how the content discussed applies to the businesses you’re involved with, then b-school may indeed be a worthwhile adventure for you to pursue. On the other hand, if you’re bored hearing about one of the fundamental and overarching subjects at b-school, strategy, then perhaps you should focus your energies and monies elsewhere.
If you find yourself interested enough to watch all the videos and find yourself thinking about how the content discussed applies to the businesses you’re involved with, then b-school may indeed be a worthwhile adventure for you to pursue. On the other hand, if you’re bored hearing about one of the fundamental and overarching subjects at b-school, strategy, then perhaps you should focus your energies and monies elsewhere.
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